
奖励节点2年前 (2022)更新 admin
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奖励节点 特价vps

Bazuka is a wallet and node software for the Ziesha (ℤ) Protocol. Ziesha is a novel layer-1 cryptocurrency which uses Zero-Knowledge proofs as the backend of its smart-contract (I.e Zero Contracts).

Bazuka ensures the availability of latest contract-states, so that they remain public and everybody is able to update and build on them, making Ziesha a more decentralized protocol compared to similar projects.


How to run a Bazuka node?

If you only want to run a Ziesha node and do not want to execute Zero Contract or mine Ziesha, you will only need to install bazuka (This repo). In case you also want to mine Ziesha, you will need to install Ziesha测试网有奖励 (The Main Payment Network executor) and also the Ziesha测试网有奖励 (A RandomX CPU miner).

How to install bazuka?

  • Prepare a Linux machine.
  • Make sure you have installed libssl-dev and cmake packages.
    sudo apt install -y build-essential libssl-dev cmake
  • Install the Rust toolchain (https://rustup.rs/)
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
  • Clone the bazuka repo:
    git clone https://github.com/ziesha-network/bazuka
  • Warning: Make sure Rust binaries are present in your PATH before compiling:
    source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
  • Compile and install:
    cd bazuka
    cargo install --path .

Now if you want to join the groth-3 testnet, you first have to initialize your node. If you have already initialized bazuka for the Debug Testnet, you first need to remove your previous initialization by running:

rm ~/.bazuka.yaml

Then initialize:

bazuka init [flags...]

Available flags:

  • --bootstrap <bootstrap>...: You can use the nodes introduced by the community as your bootstrap nodes through this flag.
  • --db <db>: Path of the node’s database. Default: ~/.bazuka.
  • --external <external>: Public ip/port of your node. Default: YOUR_PUBLIC_IP:8765.
  • --listen <listen>: Local socket. Default:
  • --mnemonic <mnemonic>: If you already have a 12-word mnemonic phrase, you can pass it through this flag. If not provided, a new wallet will be generated for you. Keep the mnemonic word list somewhere safe!
  • --network <network>: The network your node will operate on. Default: mainnet

Example to initialize a node with 2 bootstrap nodes and on the groth-3 network:

bazuka init --network groth-3 --bootstrap --bootstrap

After initializing your node you can run it through:

bazuka node start --discord_handle "YOUR DISCORD HANDLE"

Highly recommended to also provide your Discord handle through the --discord-handle flag. By providing your handle, you will leave our bots a way to contact you regarding the problems you may have in your node and its status.

Useful commands:

bazuka wallet info Show your wallet address/balances

bazuka wallet deposit Deposit funds to the MPN-contract

bazuka withdraw Withdraw funds from the MPN-contract

bazuka wallet rsend Send funds through a regular-transaction

bazuka wallet zsend Send funds through a zero-transaction

bazuka init Initialize node/wallet

bazuka node start Start your node

bazuka node status Get status of a node

ziesha网络 保姆级攻略2.0 乌班图系统22.04
1、sodu -i
2、sudo apt install -y build-essential libssl-dev cmake

3、curl –proto ‘=https’ –tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs/ | sh

①这里如果出错 sudo apt install curl 按y确定
②按1默认安装 直到结束
4、git clone https://github.com/ziesha-network/bazuka
这里报错 sudo apt install git 按y确定

5、source “$HOME/.cargo/env”

6、cd bazuka

7、cargo install –path .

8、bazuka init –network groth –bootstrap –bootstrap –bootstrap
这里得到 一个12个字母单词的助记词 千万备份
9、bazuka node start –discord_handle “YOUR DISCORD HANDLE” 大写字母换成你的DISCRO用户名 比如 Ivan kam#2373

BAZUKA问题 到此结束 你得到了助记词 和你的3个地址,这个等于钱包 需要同步



cd bazuka
git pull origin master
cargo install –path .
rm -rf ~/.bazuka

第二部分 挖矿程序 UZI

1、git clone https://github.com/ziesha-network/uzi-miner

2、cd uzi-miner

3、cargo update

4、cargo install –path .

编译好以后 发送你的0X账号给我 后得到一个挖矿口令


uzi-miner –pool –node –miner-token “给你的那个口令” –thread 线程数自己看着改

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